From the TEDx lecture we get an insight of how Plan B's difficult life as a child growing up makes him relate to teenagers yet he uses this to create music and teach young teenagers with his lyrics.He also goes into the fact that he as doubted due to the fact of him being removed from school. Throughout the talk, he explains how he wants to help the teenagers that have or are experiencing the same thing he did as they are misunderstood and negatively portrayed by the media.Lastly, he talks about his film Ill Manors and how he came to creating the characters ad narrative.
1) What are Plan B's beliefs/politics? What are his values/ideologies? Explain your answers.
From the TEDx talk we see how strongly Plan B feels towards helping the youth and how not enough is being done to help them figure their way. He uses the London Riots as a key example of the youth getting involved into violent behaviour just as a result of apathy and the lack of activities they have assess to. In terms of political view points, Ben Drew expresses left wing view points (Labour Party) about how deprived areas are being neglected and how it needs to change.
2) Who is the target audience of the TEDx lecture? Demographics? Psychographics? How do you know? How does this compare to the audience for his music/films? Is there more than one audience for this talk?
2) Who is the target audience of the TEDx lecture? Demographics? Psychographics? How do you know? How does this compare to the audience for his music/films? Is there more than one audience for this talk?
The main target audience, as shown in the video, are the middle class and this is because they have the ability to make this change that Ben Drew reinforces. Another reason why they are the main target audience is due to the fact that Drew wants them to be aware of these factors and see that those being blamed are also quite vulnerable in the sense that they are constantly judged by society. However, with that being said, it could also be targeted toward the working class and the teenagers themselves so that they can understand these issues and perhaps change themselves for the better.
3) What does Plan B say about the media? Explain how this can be linked to Cohen's media theory of moral panics?
Plan B signifies how the media continuously perceive teenagers in a cynical light and supports this by telling a story about while he was on set which two gangs were involved even though the story has an encouraging ending, the media only published the negative part oft he story not including the actual ending. This yet again, presents how the media create this bubble around these group to intimidate the public and create moral panic. This supports Cohen's theory as the public will frequently believe that the younger generation as responsible for antisocial behaviour and marginalise them from society.
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